N0. | NAMA | NIM | NA |
1 | Adityaranda S. | 0910960001-96 | 82.1 |
2 | Cahya Arief Ramadhan | 0910960003-96 | 80 |
3 | Diantika Puspitasari | 0910960005-96 | 77.9 |
4 | Elly Ratna Sayekti | 0910960007-96 | 77 |
5 | Primanda Lusita | 0910960011-96 | 84 |
6 | Septyan Teguh Mahendra | 0910960017-96 | 17 |
7 | Ade Sumantri | 0910960021-96 | 73.3 |
8 | Aulia Yusiana F. | 0910960027-96 | 83.5 |
9 | Febe Athalia Agnar | 0910960035-96 | 80.3 |
10 | Isyar A. Harun | 0910960043-96 | 83.7 |
11 | Khoirul Sholeh | 0910960045-96 | 82.7 |
12 | Olive Khoirul L.M.A | 0910960055-96 | 78 |
13 | Raden Roro Kartika N. | 0910960057-96 | 77.3 |
14 | Rosiana Kurniasari | 0910960062-96 | 79.4 |
15 | Ayu Rachmawati | 0910961001-96 | 77.1 |
16 | Nanik Ulfatun Nikmah | 0910961007-96 | 74.5 |
17 | Tomy Febri P. | 0910961009-96 | 82.8 |
18 | Candra Ratna Hariyanti | 0910963007-96 | 76.1 |
19 | Tita Fadilah | 0910963015-96 | 85.2 |
20 | Nining Dyah Mustikawati | 0910963025-96 | 78.3 |
Ini adalah blog khusus yang memuat beberapa laporan khas anak SMA dan mahasiswa
Selasa, 22 Desember 2009
Nilai Pemrog IC
Senin, 14 Desember 2009
Daftar Nilai Komputer Dasar Kimia A
No | Nama | NIM | FINAL |
1 | Putri Tishana Primandari | 0610920046 | 73 |
2 | Fifi Nafikah | 0910920010 | 83 |
3 | Aris | 0910920026 | 83 |
4 | Devis Resita Dewi | 0910920028 | 81 |
5 | Indah Destiana | 0910920046 | 87 |
6 | Nora Witnya | 0910920056 | 73 |
7 | Nur Faiza | 0910920058 | 85 |
8 | S. Alfisyah Nur Aziza | 0910920064 | 82 |
9 | Sicilla Kusuma | 0910920066 | 80 |
10 | Aliya Fatma | 0910921002 | 73 |
11 | Ivatarina Wulandari | 0910921006 | 74 |
12 | Sarah Fitria Agung | 0910921008 | 73 |
13 | Ardian Retno | 0910923004 | 81 |
14 | Lhuhur Sheto A | 0910923010 | 71 |
15 | Alif Faiza R | 0910923028 | 80 |
16 | Fajar Rizqy M | 0910923040 | 81 |
17 | Juli Iffatu Rosyidah | 0910923046 | 87 |
18 | Megawati Sistin A | 0910923050 | 82 |
19 | Novia Sintesa Dara R | 0910923052 | 86 |
20 | Rara Anggun Mei N | 0910923054 | 82 |
Minggu, 22 November 2009
Pemecahan Array
Pemecahan Array
Mula-mula kita harus membuat kelas MyArray sbb :
MyArray.java | |
1 | public class MyArray { private int size; private double x[]; public MyArray(int _size) { size = _size; x = new double [size]; } public void setSize(int _size) { size = _size; x = new double [size]; } public void read() { System.out.print("Banyaknya data :"); int n = MyInput.inInt(); setSize(n); int i; for (i=0; i { System.out.print("Data "+(i+1)+" : "); x[i] = MyInput.inDouble(); } } public void write() { int i; for (i=0; i { System.out.println((i+1)+". "+x[i]); } } public double average() { int i; double total = 0; for (i=0; i { total = total + x[i]; } return total/size; } public void distribusiFrek() { int i,f1=0,f2=0,f3=0,f4=0,f5=0; int asan=200; for (i=0;i if (x[i]<=20) f1++; else if (x[i]<=40) f2++; else if (x[i]<=60) f3++; else if (x[i]<=80) f4++; else if (x[i]<=100) f5++; } System.out.println("\n\nAda "+size+" data"); System.out.println("\nRange Frekuensi"); System.out.println("0-20 "+f1); System.out.println("21-40 "+f2); System.out.println("41-60 "+f3); System.out.println("61-80 "+f4); System.out.println("81-100 "+f5); } public void sort() { int i,j; double temp; System.out.println("Urutan Data : "); for (i=0;i for (j=i+1;j if (x[j] temp=x[i]; x[i]=x[j]; x[j]=temp; } } System.out.println ((int)x[i]+" "); } System.out.println(""); } public void statistik() { int i; double total=0; for (i=0; i { total = total + x[i]; } System.out.println("\nRata-rata= "+total/size); double maks = x[ 0 ]; for (int j=0; j { if ( x[j] > maks ) maks = x[j]; } System.out.println("\nMaksimum= "+maks); double min = x[ 0 ]; for ( int k=0; k { if ( x[k] <> min = x[k]; } System.out.println("\nMinimum= "+min); } } |
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Lalu kita membuat kelas MyInput.java
MyInput.java | |
| import java.io.*; public class MyInput { private static InputStream in = System.in; private static PrintStream out = System.out; private static String buffer = null; private static int pos = 0; public static byte inByte() { return (byte)readInteger(-128L,127L); } public static short inShort() { return (short)readInteger(-32768L,32767L); } public static int inInt() { return (int)readInteger((long)Integer.MIN_VALUE, (long)Integer.MAX_VALUE); } public static long inLong() { return readInteger(Long.MIN_VALUE, Long.MAX_VALUE); } public static char inChar() { char ch = lookChar(); while (ch == ' ' || ch == '\n') { readChar(); if (ch == '\n') dumpString("",0); ch = lookChar(); } return readChar(); } public static double inDouble() { double x = 0.0; while (true) { String str = readRealString(); if (str.equals("")) { errorMessage("Range " , + Double.MIN_VALUE + " sampai " + Double.MAX_VALUE); } else { Double f = null; try { f = Double.valueOf(str); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { errorMessage("Range " , + Double.MIN_VALUE + " sampai " + Double.MAX_VALUE); continue; } if (f.isInfinite()) { errorMessage("Range " , + Double.MIN_VALUE + " sampai " + Double.MAX_VALUE); continue; } x = f.doubleValue(); break; } } return x; } private static String readRealString() { StringBuffer s=new StringBuffer(50); char ch=lookChar(); while (ch == ' ' || ch == '\n') { readChar(); if (ch == '\n') dumpString("",0); ch = lookChar(); } if (ch == '-' || ch == '+') { s.append(readChar()); ch = lookChar(); while (ch == ' ') { readChar(); ch = lookChar(); } } while (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') { s.append(readChar()); ch = lookChar(); } if (ch == '.') { s.append(readChar()); ch = lookChar(); while (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') { s.append(readChar()); ch = lookChar(); } } if (ch == 'E' || ch == 'e') { s.append(readChar()); ch = lookChar(); if (ch == '-' || ch == '+') { s.append(readChar()); ch = lookChar(); } while (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') { s.append(readChar()); ch = lookChar(); } } return s.toString(); } private static long readInteger(long min, long max) { long x=0; while (true) { StringBuffer s=new StringBuffer(34); char ch=lookChar(); while (ch == ' ' || ch == '\n') { readChar(); if (ch == '\n') dumpString("",0); dumpString("",0); ch = lookChar(); } if (ch == '-' || ch == '+') { s.append(readChar()); ch = lookChar(); while (ch == ' ') { readChar(); ch = lookChar(); } } while (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') { s.append(readChar()); ch = lookChar(); } if (s.equals("")){ errorMessage("Range integer : ", + min + " sampai " + max); } else { String str = s.toString(); try { x = Long.parseLong(str); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { errorMessage("Range integer : " , + min + " sampai " + max); continue; } if (x <> max) { errorMessage("Range integer : ", + min + " sampai " + max); continue; } break; } } return x; } private static void dumpString(String str, int w) { for (int i=str.length(); i out.print(' '); for (int i=0; i if ((int)str.charAt(i) >= 0x20 && (int)str.charAt(i) != 0x7F) out.print(str.charAt(i)); else if (str.charAt(i) == '\n' || str.charAt(i) == '\r') newLine(); } private static void errorMessage(String message, String expecting) { newLine(); dumpString(" *** Input Salah: \n", 0); dumpString(" *** Range: " + expecting + "\n", 0); newLine(); dumpString("Masukkan lagi: ", 0); readChar(); // discard the end-of-line character } private static char lookChar() { if (buffer == null || pos > buffer.length()) fillBuffer(); if (pos == buffer.length()) return '\n'; return buffer.charAt(pos); } private static char readChar() { char ch = lookChar(); pos++; return ch; } private static void newLine() { out.println(); out.flush(); } private static boolean possibleLinefeedPending = false; private static void fillBuffer() { StringBuffer b = new StringBuffer(); out.flush(); try { int ch = in.read(); if (ch == '\n' && possibleLinefeedPending) ch = in.read(); possibleLinefeedPending = false; while (ch != -1 && ch != '\n' && ch != '\r') { b.append((char)ch); ch = in.read(); } possibleLinefeedPending = (ch == '\r'); if (ch == -1) { System.out.println("*** Found an end-of-file while trying to read from standard input! ***"); System.out.println("*** Program will be terminated. *** \n"); throw new RuntimeException(" End-of-file on standard input."); } } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println(" Unexpected system error on input."); System.out.println("Terminating program."); System.exit(1); } buffer = b.toString(); pos = 0; } } |
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Apalagi ya? Oh ya! MyMenu.java :
MyMenu.java | |
1 | public class MyMenu { public static int getPilih() { int pilih; do { System.out.println("\n MENU PROGRAM"); System.out.println("1. Input Data"); System.out.println("2. Tampilkan Data"); System.out.println("3. Distribusi Frekuensi"); System.out.println("4. Statistik"); System.out.println("5. Urutkan Data"); System.out.print ("Pilihan Anda : "); pilih = MyInput.inInt(); System.out.println(""); }while ((pilih<0)||(pilih>5)); return pilih; } } |
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FINALNYA! Kelas Main.java!
Main.java | |
1 | public class Main { public static void main (String[] args) { int pilih; MyArray arr = new MyArray(1); do{ pilih = MyMenu.getPilih(); switch(pilih) { case 1 : arr.read();break; case 2 : arr.write();break; case 3 : arr.distribusiFrek();break; case 4 : arr.statistik();break; case 5 : arr.sort();break; } }while (pilih!=0); } } |
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Outputnya ! :